9 Safe Volunteer Opportunities for Retirees during Coronavirus

Aug 10, 2020

Offering a helping hand during tough times can be very rewarding. The Coronavirus pandemic has proven to be a tough situation for many. We all want to help each other, but is it possible to safely volunteer during Coronavirus? Thankfully, the answer is yes! There are many volunteer opportunities for retirees available to safely do while remaining out of harm’s way. Keep reading to find out 9 ways you can safely volunteer during Coronavirus.

1. Get Crafty

If you are good with a needle and thread then this volunteering opportunity is a perfect one for you. Donating homemade masks for essential workers, homeless individuals, or low-income families is a great way to help out for those who have limited or no access to personal protective equipment. Try reaching out to local homeless shelters or hospitals to see if they are in need of PPE. You can also donate to Masks4Medicine, an organization that distributes homemade masks to hospitals that lack enough personal protective equipment for their healthcare workers.

2. Support Small Businesses

Many small businesses have suffered financially during the Coronavirus pandemic. Supporting small businesses during this time can make a huge impact on the livelihood of many individuals who rely on the business for financial support.  Here are a few ways you can support local businesses:

  • Order take-out once a week from a local restaurant
  • Purchase a gift card from a business to use in the future
  • Skip big-box retailers when possible and shop local instead
  • Spread the word to friends and family

3. Stay in Touch

Another way you can safely volunteer during Coronavirus is by lending an ear to those who need someone to talk to.  There are several organizations that will connect individuals with those who suffer from depression, anxiety, etc. My Grief Angels Online is an organization that connects volunteers with individuals who need emotional support.  Also, simply checking in with friends, family, and neighbors can go a long way in helping someone who may be feeling down due to limited social interaction.

4. Virtually Volunteer at a School

With a lot of schools still closed for in-person instruction, many teachers have had to scramble to move their lesson plans online. This task has not been an easy one for many, so lending a helping hand to a teacher would be a great way to serve your community during this difficult time. One way you can safely volunteer your assistance is to offer to read books to younger students via zoom.  This is a great volunteer opportunity for retirees to do a weekly virtual art lesson, assist with grading assignments, or share a hobby or interest with the class. Try connecting with a teacher or local school to see how you can volunteer your time.

5. Volunteer at Church

Churches are a great source of volunteering opportunities. If you belong to a church, try contacting a staff member to find out how you can safely volunteer during this time. If you don’t belong to a church, reach out to a local one in your community. Here are a few ideas you can offer to volunteer your time:

  • Read or sing to Sunday School classes via zoom
  • Make meals for those in need
  • Offer to be a handyman
  • Collect donations for those in need

6. Start a Neighborhood Lending Library

With coronavirus forcing a lot of people to shelter at home boredom has become a real issue for many.  One way you can cure your community of boredom is to create a neighborhood lending library.  Neighborhood lending libraries offer neighbors and families a way to share their used books with each other.  The libraries can be as simple as a box on your porch or as elaborate as a handcrafted shelf.  Share your library on your local community Facebook page or Nextdoor group.

7.   Become a Mentor at CareerVillage

Since COVID 19 has left many individuals with a lot of time on their hands a great way to fill up that time is by becoming a mentor at CareerVillage.  CareerVillage connects experienced individuals to those who are just starting out in the career sector.  Mentors can answer questions and give advice related to their own careers or careers they have knowledge in.  This is a great opportunity for older individuals who have years of experience in a field and can offer advice to those who are just starting out.

8.    Spread positivity

We could all use a little bit of positivity in our lives during these tough times.  What better way to volunteer your time to cheer others up then to spread some positivity? Here are a few ways you can spread positivity throughout your community:

  • Leave inspirational notes throughout your community
  • Give someone a compliment
  • Perform a random act of kindness
  • Decorate your home with inspirational lawn signs

9.    Thank Essential Workers

Essential workers have been on the front line of the pandemic since day one.  Showing gratitude for their hard work is a perfect way to volunteer your time during the pandemic.  Here are a few ways you can show your support for our essential workers:

  • Write a thank you card
  • Send flowers
  • Have food delivered
  • Donate needed supplies

Aug 10, 2020 | | 0 comments


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