What’s the Difference Between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage?
What’s the Difference Between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage? Becoming eligible for Medicare is exciting! We hear about it all our lives—that one day we’ll benefit from government-sponsored healthcare. But did you know that you have many Medicare options...
Benefits of Pet Ownership During Retirement
Benefits of Pet Ownership During Retirement Retired life can get quiet sometimes. That’s why a lot of people turn to pets during retirement. And rightly so—pets are known to improve quality of life at all ages. See four benefits of pet ownership during retirement to...
4 Tips for Healthy Aging
4 Tips for Healthy Aging There’s a common misconception that we all eventually decline in health. A long list of health problems doesn’t have to be inevitable. Incorporate these four healthy aging tips so you can continue easing into your older years with grace. 4...