Is it Better to Get Medicare Insurance through a Sales Rep or Independent Agent?

Oct 10, 2019

If you are Turning 65 and navigating through Medicare’s Initial Enrollment Period or making some changes during Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period, chances are you are experiencing a bit of overwhelm and information overload. Let’s cut through some of that noise.

When selecting a supplemental Medicare insurance plan such as Medicare Advantage or Medigap plans, you have the option to acquire coverage through an Independent Insurance Agent or a Sales Representative. How do you know which one is which? Which one should you go with?


Typically, the first stop for Medicare beneficiaries is However, it is really easy to click through only to arrive at a long list of potential numbers to call. Stay with us as we explain. Here’s how this plays out on their site:

Medigap & Medicare Advantage Plans

(Click the image to enlarge):

If you are looking for specific plan options, benefits, and carriers, click on “Find a Medigap Policy” toward the bottom of the web page. You will be prompted to answer a few questions and then results for Plans A-N will be returned in a nice table that gives an overview of estimated costs and a benefit breakdown. The next step is to find a way to enroll in one, or some, of these plans.

Insurance Sales Representatives

By selecting the “View Companies that offer Medigap Policy…”, you will be directed to an A-Z list as shown in the excerpt below (click the image to enlarge):

Now, which company do you choose? Do you call them all? Remember the image shown is only a partial screenshot. There is a complete list of A-Z to comb through.

When you call one of these numbers, you will be connected to a sales representative for the individual insurance company you call. They will offer you options only their company provides. So, if you call Carrier A the person on the other line will only talk to you about Carrier A options, not Carrier B, Carrier C, Carrier D, and etc.

Independent Insurance Agent

When you connect with an Independent Insurance Agent, they typically act more like a broker. Independent Agents are certified to represent a variety of carriers. This is very good for you. This can make shopping for Supplemental Medicare insurance a one-stop shop. You go through your needs with one agent and they do all the heavy lifting of shopping for a plan and carrier that is just right for your medical requirements and budget.

Not all Independent Insurance Agents are the same.
Some Independent Insurance Agents may only be able to shop a handful of carriers on your behalf. Make sure that you are selecting an agent who empowers you with a wide variety of insurance carriers.

When you work with an AGA Medicare Options Agent, they will dramatically simplify the process of selecting the right plan for you. AGA Medicare Options agents are AHIP certified and required to undergo many hours in-depth training on each of the carriers and plans they are able to represent. They are armed with knowledge and a desire to serve.

Ready to Talk With an AGA Agent About Your Medicare Needs?

Give us a call at 1-888-552-2412, TTY 711, M-F, 9am – 5pm PST, or schedule a consultation online.


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